Boulicault, Marion and Schroeder, S. Andrew, Public Trust in Science: Exploring the Idiosyncrasy-Free Ideal. in Social Trust, eds. Vallier and Weber; Routledge (forthcoming).
Clough, S. “Values as Evidence and Evidence for Values” forthcoming in the Journal of the Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World, inspired by an invited keynote I gave in May 2015.
DiMarco, M. & Khalifa, K. (2019). Inquiry Tickets: Values, Pursuits, and Underdetermination. Philosophy of Science, 86(5)
Heinrich, A. The feedback and discussions I had based on the talk contributed to the final draft of my book, “Chinese Surplus: Biopolitical Aesthetics and the Medically Commodified Body,” Duke UP, 2018.
Hicks, Daniel J. 2015. Epistemological Depth in a GM Crops Controversy. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 50 (April): 1-12.
Hicks, Daniel J. 2017. Genetically Modified Crops, Inclusion, and Democracy. Perspectives on Science, July, 488-520.
Hicks, D. J. 2018. The Safety of Autonomous Vehicles: Lessons from Philosophy of Science. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 37 (1): 62-69.
Kennedy, A. G. 2016, Evaluating Diagnostic Tests, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.
Lacey, H. Food and agricultural systems for the future: science, emancipation and human flourishing. Journal of Critical Realism 14 (3), 2015: 272-286.
Lacey, H. Sistemas alimentar e agrícola para o futuro: ciência, emancipação e florescimento humano. Ciência e Tecnologia Social 2 (1), 2015: 65–84.
Lacey, H. Agroécologie : la science et les valeurs de la justice sociale, de la démocratie et de la durabilité. Ecologie et Politique, No. 51, 2015: 27–40.
Marshall, J. M. “Machine-Machine to Major Tom: CYBERETHICS*”, The IAA/UT Conference on Space Traffic Management, Austin, TX, February 2020
Marshall, J. M. “Cyberethics in the 21st Century: The Reign of the Machines”, Mensa Bulletin, January 2020.
Marshall, J. M. “The Modern Memory Hole”, Athenaeum Review of The University of Texas at Dallas, Fall 2019.
Merrick, T. (2019). From ‘Intersex’ to ‘DSD’: A case epistemic injustice. Synthese, Vol. 196, No. 11, 4429-4447.
Merrick, T. (2017) Feyerabend, Paul. in P. Copan, T. Longman, M. Strauss and C. Reese, eds., Dictionary of Christianity and Science. Grand Rapids: Zondervan
Moore, Jared. 2020, Towards a more representative politics in the ethics of computer science
Purcell, E. B. Current book project under contract with Lexington Press: Engineering Perfection: Disability, Solidarity and Well-being
Purcell, E. B. “Ethics and Mental Illness: An Intercultural Approach” Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women’s and Gender Studies, Special Issue: Epistemic Injustice in Practice, V. 15, (2016), pp. 115138.
Purcell, E. B. “Disability, Narrative and Moral Status” Disability Studies Quarterly, Vol 36, No 1 (2016).
Schroeder, S. Andrew, Which Values Should Be Built Into Economic Measures? Economics and Philosophy, 35:3 (2019).
Schroeder, S. Andrew, Democratic Values: a Better Foundation for Public Trust in Science, British Journal for Philosophy of Science (forthcoming). Available at
Schroeder, S. Andrew paper is under review
Tuminello, Joseph “Dichotomous Food-Drug Interpretations in Nutritional Science and Western Medicine,” Sofia Philosophical Review (accepted, forthcoming)